Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year~

A fresh start, amazing what this day represents to so many, me included.  A clean slate, a chance to begin again.  I wrote a list of intentions, still working on them.  Perhaps I'll add some here.  One of my intentions/dreams/goals/wishes is to complete some photo challenges.  I found one that looks interesting.

Cool, huh?  Before I add my photo for today (about today :)  here's my mantra, my prayer, my love letter to this great big world and to myself,

Today I am grateful for~

a brand new year

my mom

riley allen

my camera

cold, crisp weather and a heater to warm me when i come inside

And, my photo of today (the above photo is also of today, the first sunrise of 2013)

This was the moon this morning opposite the sunrise pictured above.  Goodbye 2012, you were challenging and filled with love. 
Welcome 2013 - I have a feeling it's gonna be a great one!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Today I am grateful for ~



~The Walking Dead

~Love Actually

~this being enough, me being enough

~beef stew

~letting go

~learning however slowly to be perfectly ok with the way things turn out

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Today I am grateful for~



~my ability to see beauty all around me if only I make that choice

~my camera


Thursday, March 17, 2011

today i am grateful for . . .


doug's voice on the phone

knowing everything is going to be okay

friends whom i've never seen

connections made

baby smiles

roasted brussel sprouts

homemade lemonade

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year, dear ones. A new year - new possibilites, new dreams to reach for - a slate wiped clean. My goal for this year is to post a picture a day. I do believe I've set this goal for myself before. Perhaps this will be the year I achieve it. This will be a year of adventure for me. A year of seeing how big I can dream.

Today was a good creative day. I wasn't feeling all that well this morning - but even so I started my morning pages (got interrupted, but i did start ;).

And then this afternoon, I made myself get up and out of this apartment and take some pictures. A beautiful, simple start to 2011.
Today I am grateful for~
my health
abundant love in my life
kleenex with lotion
the healing powers of homemade chicken soup
the glorious colors of nature

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

blessings - great and small

blessings are all around us - some are easy to see - a prime parking place, a baby's giggle, a gorgeous sunset, a perfect meal - and some you have to look to find.

today, i attended the funeral service of a little girl who attended Gymboree. she was adorable, the cutest pigtails you've ever seen and the most beautiful smile. i can't say i knew her well. they didn't come to class every week - but i do remember her - so sweet and so happy! i never knew she had medical problems most of her life and that she spent a lot of her short life at the hospital undergoing procedures and tests. you'd never have guessed that seeing her at Gymboree chasing bubbles, dancing, climbing, sliding, singing.

today's the kind of day it's easy to see blessings. they're everywhere. you see the world clearer on days like this. you recognize what really matters. sitting in that church today, filled to the walls with people honoring that precious girl's memory, it was crystal clear to me what life is all about.

it's about love. family and friends (our chosen family, really) and time spent with them. reaching out every chance you get to say "i love you" "you matter to me" "thank you for touching my life"

because although we all know this, we don't practice it near as much as we should - tomorrow is not guaranteed. (as i write this, the sun just broke through the clouds and is shining on the ocean brilliantly. i think ella is perhaps agreeing with me :) all we have for sure is this moment, right now. i only wish it didn't take events like this to make me remember how fragile life is - how precious each second is we're given.

but that's human nature i suppose - to get wrapped up in minutae that in the grand scheme makes no difference at all.

and so today, i would like to thank ella for reminding me of the blessings - great and small - all around me. and i want to send out love to all of you reading this - you have all touched my life in some way - and i am truly grateful for you.

may joy be in your heart today knowing you are loved - and please reach out to someone today and tell them you love them. we all need to say it more - and hear it - and mean it.

love, love, love,


Thursday, January 29, 2009

pushing through

it's been a tough week. the voices inside can be deafening - and defeating. and exhausting. i'm tired of listening to them. i choose to push through the negative right now.

today i'm taking another step towards my dreams. towards shining my light out into the world even further. i'm - as they say - feeling the fear and doing it anyways. yes, it's a risk and there's a chance it won't work - but what if it does? what if i'm the best baby signs instructor the world has ever known? what if there are parents and babies out there needing to communicate and play and learn and i didn't do it?

so, here goes. i'll do my training next week and then start to market myself. and open up to all the possibilities. baby steps. moving forward - even if it's only by an inch.

so, today i am creating possibility for expanding my dream of helping parents and children communicate. i am creating new avenues for me to challenge myself. i am creating a more abundant life.

i am creating me!